Monday, December 30, 2019
Prohibition Essay - 1235 Words
Prohibition Prohibition, â€Å"The Noble Experiment,†was a great and genius idea on paper, but did not go as planned. With illegal activities still increasing and bootlegging at its all time high, it was no wonder the idea crumbled. Could they have revised the law to make it more effective? If so, would the law be in place today, and how would that have changed our lives today? Although it was brief, Prohibition will remain a huge part of America’s history. Completely illegalizing the production and consumption of alcohol was a great plan that ended up being a great failure. Prohibition, under the Eighteenth Amendment was the Governments idea of illegalizing the consumption, production, and transportation of intoxicating liquors.†¦show more content†¦Prohibition was supposed to lower crime and the consumption of intoxicating liquor, but instead did the exact opposite. The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this, Albert Einstein. (Internet, quotes on Prohibition, page 1) Prohibition not only failed to prevent the consumption of intoxicating liquor, but also led to extensive production of unregulated, untaxed and very harmful alcohol. With more violence, political corruption and the creation of organized crime, the amendment was finally overturned when Utah, the thirty-sixth state needed to ratify the 21st amendment came forward and agreed on December 5, 1933. Amazingly, many people today still believe Prohibition was a success. With so much corruption and depravity, failure seemed inevitable, but how would history and the present have differed if the law were never amended? Nationally, over 534,000 people sustain injuries from alcohol related collisions a year, which adds up to be about one a minute. Around 16,000 dieShow MoreRelatedProhibition Of Drugs And Alcohol1492 Words  | 6 PagesPopular belief holds that consumption of drugs and alcohol encourages violence and that the appropriate response is prohibition of these goods. However, a different viewpoint is that prohibition creates illegal underground markets, which require violence and crime to remedy in-house disputes. This paper examines the relationship between prohibition and violence using the historical data and behavior following previous U.S. drug and alcohol laws, regulations, and enforcement on indicators of violenceRead More Prohibition Essay730 Words  | 3 Pages Prohibition nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The success of the prohibition movement can be seen from many different views. It was measured by the prohibitionists many motives, their social make-up, their creative reasons they came up with to promote their cause, and the positive outcomes they imagined possible by prohibiting alcohol consumption. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The prohibitionists had several motives for letting loose their concern of alcohol. The main issue discussed, using theRead MoreProhibition And Prohibition Of Alcohol1007 Words  | 5 PagesAmendment and prohibition of alcohol. The Eighteenth Amendment had made the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol illegal. By illegalizing alcohol, the Eighteenth Amendment attempted to decrease domestic violence, increase productivity in the workplace, and diminish poverty and health problems associated with the consumption of alcohol. Instead it created organized crime, disrespect for the law, and general resentment towards the government. The Eighteenth Amendment and the Prohibition of alcoholRead MoreProhibition And Prohibition Essay1190 Words  | 5 Pages Proponents of prohibition are quick to argue how crime technically decreased in its fourteen years before being repealed. While this is true for minor crimes of the times like mischief and vagrancy, organized crime saw a sharp increase once the Eighteenth Amendment outlawed alcoholic substances. While the Volstead Act was passed to enforce the amendment, and had an immediate amount of success, it was also attributed to an increase in the homicide rate to 10 per 100,000 population during the 1920sRead MoreThe History of Drug Prohibition Essays953 Words  | 4 Pages Drug prohibition was not always accepted as it is today. Indeed, until the early twentieth century, there were few drug laws at all in the United States. 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Heavy emphasis on upholding criminal restrictions on drug creation and selling was also significantly influencing the productivity of illegalRead MoreEffects Of Prohibition On The United States1272 Words  | 6 Pagesadults because it will reduce drug related violence, promote safe drug usage, increase tax revenue, and make permanent recovery from drug usage less difficult. The prohibition on drugs forces people to turn to the black market. Prohibition has created a much larger set of secondary harms associated with the criminal market. Prohibition permits and causes the drug trade to remain a lucrative source of economic opportunity for street dealers, drug kingpins and all those willing to engage in the oftenRead MoreThe Social Impacts of Marijuana Prohibition in Brazil649 Words  | 3 Pageslike cancer, multiple sclerosis, anxiety and glaucoma. The problem is that these people have to be criminals to be able to treat themselves. Social Impacts Marijuana impacts on health Less Jails more treatment The social impacts of marijuana prohibition in brazil are many. The war on drugs, violence, firearms trafficking involved, corruption and many others. Because its so hard to differentiate an addict and a drug dealer by the amount of marijuana they carry, addicts end up in jail. Now, addictionRead MoreProhibition Of The Usa Prohibition2994 Words  | 12 PagesProhibition in the USA Prohibition was introduced to the United States of America on the 16th of January 1920 with the hope of a pure nation that was not under the influence of alcohol. Prohibition was the legal prohibiting of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, which did not include the consuming of alcohol as you could still keep alcohol that was made or bought before 16th of January 1920. As the alcohol consumption rose substantially before the 1920s, it spurred the temperance movementsRead MoreThe Drug Prohibition Of The United States Of America1629 Words  | 7 PagesThe cohorts of drug prohibition argue that the benefits of the prohibition are self-evident and undeniable. The basis of this assumption argument is that without prohibition the consumption of drug would skyrocket, and therefore, lead to disastrous outcomes. However, there is no evidence on the commonly held belief. The empirical evidence that exists does not support the notion of souring drug consumption. For instance, in the Netherland and Switzerland, where marijuana is legalized, the consumption
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain - 1649 Words
â€Å"I was thinking about how everybody can’t be everything to each other, but some people can be something to each other†(Winik). In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the main character, Huck, creates many relationships during his adventure on the river, and these relationships impacts what kind of person Huck becomes. Mark Twain in his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn expresses how every single relationship, whether it lasts one week, several years, or a lifetime, shapes how a person lives his/her life. The Widow in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn fills the role as Huck’s mother figure. The relationship that Huck has with the Widow can be seen as strained because of how the widow tries to instill proper morals and civilize Huck.†¦show more content†¦The Widow and Huck’s relationship progresses so much, from the beginning with Huck running away to him deciding to behave and act civilized. The relationship the Widow has made with Huck has impacted Huck to the point of him truly putting an effort towards being civilized. Without this relationship Huck would still be that wild uncivilized boy he had been before living with the widow. A negative relationship that Huck has is with his father who is referred to as â€Å"Pap†. Pap is an abusive, alcoholic racist who beats Huck and tries to take his money. Pap has only a negative impact on Huck by instilling terrible morals in Huck. The reader can tell how Huck feels about his father when he thinks, â€Å"Pap he hadn t been seen for more than a year, and that was comfortable for me; I didn t want to see him no more. He used to always whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me; though I used to take to the woods most of the time when he was around†(Twain 11). It is obvious that Huck does not like the relationship he has with his father by him saying that he was â€Å"comfortable†with Pap being away for over a year. Even though Pap abuses Huck and is a drunk, Huck still likes the free and uncivilized aspect
Saturday, December 14, 2019
A Violent Act-Taking Place at Work Free Essays
As difficult as it may be to imagine a violent act-taking place at work, in these times it is an eventuality that cannot be ignored. Too frequently, these days, the evening news leads off with a report about a disgruntled employee committing some horrifying act of violence in the workplace. Something like that could never happen here, is what most assumes. We will write a custom essay sample on A Violent Act-Taking Place at Work or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unfortunately, the statistics show that violence can and does happen in the workplace. In fact, the chances of violence occurring in the workplace are shockingly high and increasing. An important question that should be asked is, what causes violence in the workplace? The answer to this question is very complex. There are numerous contributing factors that can push an employee to the point that may seem unbearable. To an employee, being perceived unfair is one of the significant factors. Many times the organization is looked upon as not treating their employees properly. Other contributing factors are, but not limited to, an unstable economy, downsizing, layoffs–each causes fear, depression, and paranoia, evaluations, lack of promotion or advancement, authoritarian management, relationships brought to the workplace, and stress (Liabig 33). Stress is one of the more common causes of violence at any place of employment. The body†s response to any demand on it for adaptation is called stress. A stressor may be acute or chronic. Stress can also be both good and bad. Examples of good stress are reasonable deadlines and competition. This type of stress if needed to function, without stress people become stagnates. The level of anxiety caused by a good stressor is usually in the low moderate range. Levels of high anxiety are okay for short periods of time. If levels of high anxiety last for an extreme period then the stressor is bad, and the person functioning becomes impaired and overwhelmed (NIOSH 1). The failure to adapt to stress can cause clinical depression. Clinical depression is a depression that is organic in nature whose origin is usually a chemical imbalance or caused by outside factors. It is obvious that these circumstances may result in subsequent aggression. In turn, such feelings may produce intense emotions of anger and resentment, which may lead to the feeling of needing to harm the people that is responsible in some manner. Other contributing factors that may trigger workplace aggression and violence frequently are related to three types of workplace changes. 1) The increased use of part-time and temporary workers. This causes aggressions for two reasons. First, the increased use of contingent workers makes existing employees feel threatened. Secondly, a revolving door of temps can make employees uncomfortable. 2) Management turnover and change. When bosses start changing, the workplace aggression level increases. This is because employees may not like the new boss style, they may feel uncertain about their own job security or they may view the new managers as an opportunity to act out. 3) Major schedule changes. Employees who suddenly find themselves working a new shift after getting comfortable with a certain set of hours can become uneasy. Detecting the characteristics of an employee that may display some of the above attributes should certainly be continuously in effect (Caudron 51). It is important that data that is collected be as specific as possible and focus on job performance or any unusual behavior on the job. Recurring patterns should be noted. Everyone has an off day once in a while so observation or documentation should go on over a period of time. Collection of data helps the supervisor make a fair and impartial assessment of job performance. It also guards against remembering only the peaks of performance, the good days and not the bad days. There are several characteristics that should alert an employer of possible signs of workplace aggression. Individuals who commit violence tend to fit a pattern. Often, they are loners, and the main focus of their lives is their job. Absenteeism, which consist of frequent absences or days off with vague or unlikely excuses. Also included would be excessive use of sick leave, tardiness and early departures are some things to look for. There is also the factor of on-the-job absenteeism. This may entail an employee being regularly absent from post, long lunches and always preoccupied. Then there is the issue of personal appearance, attitude and behavior. An employer should take notice when the personal appearance becomes untidy and when distinct mood swings occur during the day for no apparent reason. If the smell of alcohol and or excessive use of breath deodorizers are used and repeated unusual accidents on or off the job occur, yes the employer should take notice. Another issue that may create workplace aggression would be interpersonal relations. If there are complaints from co-workers and from clients on a regular basis, and if the employee has a tendency to avoid associates. Direct threats of violence, verbal abuse or intimidation toward employees. An intense anger that does not defuse over time or a fascination with the killing power of weapons that go far beyond a hobbyist gun collection. These behaviors are observable warning signs of violent behaviors. Having the ability to recognize is one thing but what counts the most is being able to prevent workplace violence. If it is not understood what triggers violence then it is difficult to prevent it. Although many acts of workplace violence appear completely random, there are actually many things companies can do to prevent violent outbreaks from occurring. The initial step would include the screening of potential employees thoroughly. If the resources are not there, an outside service should be hired to conduct criminal background checks for a nominal cost. The implementation of a zero-tolerance policy with harsh repercussions for violent or threatening behavior at the workplace should be established. All threats of violence should be reported to the police immediately. Certain circumstances may even warrant the temporary use of a security firm. It is significant for an employer to create a workplace culture that encourages mutual respect and open communication. It would be essential to conduct training for employees and supervisors that covers conflict resolution, how to report and handle complaints of unfair treatment and how to recognize signs of a potentially violent employee. The use of the Employee Assistance Program, which is a plan that provide employees with assistance for various problems, as a means to prevent workplace violence due to stress. All employees should be trained in methods to handle stress. When firing or disciplining a potentially violent employee, the employer should be sensitive. To sound as if the employee is being accused, is not a good approach. An example is to simply state that other employees have begun to feel fearful and that according to the company policy, it is required to take action. This approach will avoid blame. Also when firing or disciplining a potentially violent employee, the manager should make sure that they find something good to say about the employee (Liabig 33). By building up the persons dignity, it decreases the likelihood that the employee will see the manager as part of the larger corporate conspiracy that is out to get him or her. Last but not least, it is very relevant for the employer to provide job counseling for terminated employees. Termination is a traumatic change and counseling can help these individuals cope. It is a fact that an individual can exhibit one or more warning signs and never resort to violence. It is important to remember that people have different levels of sensitivity. What is a violence-triggering event to one person may not be to another. Each case must be examined on an individual basis and, to the extent possible, viewed from that person’s perspective. How to cite A Violent Act-Taking Place at Work, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Operation Management German company Pentacon
Question: The manufacturing/service process design is based on a considerable number of different variables and represents, in essence, a number of trade-offs. Depending on the nature of the business, the nature of the product, and the nature of the market place, the chosen process design will obviously be different. A) By taking as an example a product or a service from an industry that you are familiar with, critically discuss the main factors that influence the manufacturing/service process design?B) Discuss how the five operational performance objectives may influence decision-making associated with process design and layouts? Answer: Introduction: This report discusses some theories and concepts of operation management. It is the internal process of the organization that helps to improve the performance of the organization. This report also shows the process of operation management of a German company Pentacon. It is a German company that manufactures camera. It is mainly known for producing the SLR (Single lens reflex) camera, medium format camera and other cameras. Pentacon also manufactures different types of slide projectors. This report shows the manufacturing design or the design of service process design of the particular company. This report shows the operational performance objectives that influence the process of design. A. Factors of influencing the manufacturing process: Concept of operation management: Hence, the concept of operation management is very necessary for understanding the process of manufacturing or service design of a product or service of a company. It is the internal process of the organization that helps to improve the performance of the organization. As defined by Chopra and Meindl (2013) Operation management is the process of managing the logistics, supply chain of the organization in order to measure the current performance of time, cost and quality. On the other hand, Manopiniwes et al. (2013) argued that, operation management refers to the overall management of designing and controlling the process of manufacturing and production of the products and services of a business company. Figure 1: process of Operation management (Source: Casson, 2013, pp-10) As stated by, Taunton (2014) the activities of operation management involve the manufacturing process of a product, production, development and distribution. On the other hand, Casson (2013) argued that, other activities, like purchase managing, quality control, logistics, inventory control, evaluation are also involved in the process of operation management of a company. Operation management therefore should meet all the requirement and strategy of a company or the demand of the customers. The process of Operation management involves thorough process and method within the company. There are some factors those need to be considered while making plan about the process of operation management of a company. The size, location, logistics elements, products, services and customers of the company are the factors those always need to be considered in order to implement the process of operation management. Supply Chain Management is the most important area of operation management. Supply chain management: According to, Elgazzar et al. (2013) supply chain management refers to the process of managing the materials and information within the links between the chains. This chain therefore includes some logistic elements, like manufacturing plants, vendors and distribution centers. For building an effective supply chain management process, full scale co-ordination among these partners is very necessary and important. This process of co-ordination requires effective communication through these partners. Effective relation within these partners often grows with the help of effective data sharing by communication networks. Therefore, effective communication network will help in the process of supply chain management of the particular company. On the other hand, Narasimhan and Narayanan (2013) stated that, the process of supply chain management involves three important levels of activities within a company. Strategic level, operational level and tactical levels are these levels those have involved with the process of supply chain management. An effective supply chain management therefore involves with the smooth traffic of products from the inputs of the suppliers to the whole portion of the company. In order to manage the supply chain effectively configuration of distributed network, strategy of the distribution, inventory management, information management need to be considered by the organization. Configuration of the network involves location and quantity of the suppliers, warehouses of the company, centers of distribution and customers. Distribution strategy involves the various types of strategies, shipment, third party logistics etc. On the other hand, Elgazzar et al. (2012) argued that, process of inventory management involves best possible raw materials, management of finished products etc. Information flow management involves the process of transferring the inventory that is valuable to the company. Transportation and forecasting the information are also involved in the process of information flow management. Value added by the process of operation management: Figure 2: Value added through Operation management (Source: Zhu et al. 2013, pp-406) Different types of processes of transformation are included in the techniques of operation management. Company who manufactures product always uses the physical process of transformation. Retail operation always exchange for transformational process. Healthcare organization always uses the physical process of transformation. Communication and educational sector utilizes informational process. Operation management also helps to add value in the process of the company. Process of operation management therefore helps to analyze the course of all aspects of the business. Flow of the process of a company therefore helps in order to identify the current position of the company within the competitive sector of the market. This also helps to identify the condition of the departments within a company. There are some process by those a company can add value (, 2015). Identification of the development of the process of production that may be converted to the process of cost savings. The process of cost saving should be passed to the end customers of the company. This makes powerful position of the company within the competitive market sector. Reformation of the infrastructure of the company also adds value to the company. Effective infrastructure of a company also helps to gain competitive position for the company within the market. Effective process of operation management also helps to solve the problems of inventory management and supply chain. This can be able to add value to the business operation of the company. Improvements in the administration of the company can also add extra value to the company. Effective process of operation management can help in identifying key issues of the organization and improves those issues as well. According to, Yamamoto (2013) effective and good management of operation therefore benefit the shareholders and customers of the organization. Value added service fulfils the demand of both the customers and shareholders of the particular company. Cost saving as well as effective process will benefit different types of stakeholders of the organization. On the other hand, Chopra and Meindl (2013) stated that, effective and continuous process of operation management also can satisfy the customers by fulfilling the needs and demands of them. Successful process of operation management can help to deliver the products within the stipulated time that can also satisfy the customers and other stakeholders of the company. There are some factors also those can affect upon the manufacturing process of the organization. Different industries of the market have different process of operation management. Manufacturing process of an organization is an important aspect for the organization. This can be involved in the overall strategy of operation management (, 2015). Overview of manufacturing process of Pentacon: As stated by, Narasimhan and Narayanan (2013) the manufacturing process and service process can be based upon some variables. Manufacturing design therefore involves some performance objectives those have the influence upon the decision making process of the organization. According to, Hofmann and Knbel (2013) service design or manufacturing process is related with the implementation process. The process of manufacturing and designing the service is very much different within every company. This process is an engineering process that refers to the art of designing a product or service of a company. Service design or manufacture design provides the easy way of manufacturing the product within the company. It is the basic art of engineering that helps to produce products those are easy for manufacturing within the company. Camera is the major products of the electronic and computing industry. Manufacturing of a camera is the creative art as well as engineering art. On the other hand, Xu et al. (2013) argued that, this is different industry the other industry in case of manufacturing design or service design process. The workers in this industry therefore make a small proportion of workforce as because this is the industry where technology plays an important and great part while making the products. Development of a camera and other electronic device therefore depends upon the technological advancement. As the time goes, the innovative technology is been developing. Therefore, the technological innovation and up gradation has grabbed many part of this industry. So, this camera industry requires many engineers and technicians who can take the advancement of the technology and produces effective products. Rapid growth of innovation and technology therefore requires a high quality of engineers and technicians and other workers of technical part. Some research analyst has also been utilized by this company in order to extensive research and developm ent process for the development of products (Aurich, 2015). On the other hand, Zhu et al. (2013) argued that, this industry requires some efficient as well as knowledgeable marketing and sales employees for different types of segments of this company. This company promotes and sells their manufactured products by efficient sales and marketing personality. Camera and likewise products often contains various types of intermediate components those are mainly purchased by other manufacturers. Therefore, this process of Pentacon often adds extra facilities for the company. It benefits both the buyer and manufacturer companies. Pentacon provides joint development and research process of these two companies. Pentacon therefore is involved within the process of manufacturing products of different cameras. It also involves in the process of research and development of the particular company. Apart from these, some factors often influence upon the manufacturing process of the company. Some factors, like equipments, suppliers, necessary special parts, employees etc. Suppliers are the most necessary element for the process of manufacturing some products or services. Suppliers often create delay for the manufacturing process. The problems of source and other supply related problems are there in the process of manufacturing the products and services of the company. Therefore, Taunton (2014) stated that, the company should manage the smooth and efficient supply operation within the manufacturing process of the company. Especially for this type of technical industry, arrangement of necessary equipment is very much important for the company in order to involve in a smooth manufacturing design and process. On the other hand, Yamamoto (2013) stated that, effective operation management of a company therefore should provide quality service or products to the company. On the other hand, employees as well as workers are the most valuable asset in order to maintain an effective manufacturing design or process. Techniques of labor efficiency and cost efficiency can be able to affect the process of manufacturing within a positive way. On the other hand, Narasimhan and Narayanan (2013) stated that, flexibility in work can be the main strategy of improving the process of manufacturing. Flexibility can be the effective strategy for manufacturing different types of products within the same sector and same time. Apart from this, it can be suggested by, Casson (2013) that, this sector of electronic device has many segments. Every segments produce different products. Mainly, Camera Company takes some products from some other manufacturing industry. Some chips of the camera are often grabbed from other company of manufacturing. Concept of process design and process layout: According to, Hofmann and Knbel (2013) process design involves the process of determining the process of producing a product of tan organization. The objective behind process design is to meet the demands and requirements of customers. Process design is very critical as well as important activity that in this stage, 70 to 80 percent cost has estimated for the manufacture and development of the product. Process of product designing therefore requires clear understanding about the performance and functions of the particular product. Product design has the effect upon the flexibility of the product as well as quality and cost of the products. New or old product needs the process of designing. More or less, new products and old products need modification of process design. On the other hand, Manopiniwes et al. (2013) stated that, process layout refers to the design of the floor of the firm of manufacturing products. Process layout plays an important role in order to improve the efficiency of the firm by arranging important equipment as per the function of the product. Therefore, the production line should be designed for removing the waste of material flows as well as inventory flows and management. Therefore, Zhu et al. (2013) stated that, decision about designing the process and layout is taken by the operation managers of the particular organization. Process design and layout are two most important task of operation management. There are various types of process strategies, like process focus, repetitive focus, mass customization and product focus. These entire tasks are done for the effective making of products. Group decision about this topic can be effective for selecting the effective and useful layout. Decision making process about the selection of layout design is the important factor before the achievement of the predetermined goals or objectives of the organization. Therefore, group decision about the design process and layout can be the effective formula to solve major problems and issues of the process. On the other hand, Narasimhan and Narayanan (2013) argued about five performance objectives those have an impact upon the operation management process and indirectly upon the stakeholders of the organization. There are basic five performance objectives for managing the operation among the organization. B. Operational performance objectives: Figure 3: Performance objectives of operation management (Source: Hofmann and Knbel, 2013, pp-20) As stated by, Elgazzar et al. (2012) five performance objectives are as follows: Quality performance objectives: Quality is the most important objective of performance. Quality refers to the most effective specification of the particular product. Quality refers to the intended performance of the product. Quality refers to the stability of the product. Quality also refers to the degree of the needs of the customers for the particular product. If the customers are satisfied with the products the worth of the cost will be effective for the customers. Speed performance objectives: Speed refers to the responses of the organization in order to deliver the products to the customers. It is the time gap between the requests of external and internal customers for a particular product or service. Speed is the rate of generating sales and delivery of the products of a company. Speed also refers to the time of the process of research and development of the organization. Speed is very important aspect as because it helps in order to respond to the needs and requirements of the customers about products and services. Speed also helps to reduce the cost. It helps to reduce the risks and inventories. Dependability performance objectives: Dependability increases when the desired product or service comes to the customers. Dependability refers to the term being on time. This can be difficult for measuring the dependability. Timely delivery of product as well as service is the important factor for measuring this term dependability. If a company produces and serves products within the stipulated time to the customers as per the cost of customers, then the customers become dependable to the products of the company. Flexibility performance objectives: Flexibility can be called as a complex situation. Flexibility refers to the change of the operation. Company can arrange various lines of product those can deal with various types of requirements of products. New requirements of the products should be matched with the company. Flexibility refers to the variety of different products. Flexibility performance objectives therefore require more production of wide variety of products within different levels of the company. New design modifications therefore are needed in order to produce more flexibility among the operation of a company (, 2015). Costs performance objectives: This refers to the difference of unit cost for the change of volume and the huge variety of products. Cost of every product varies upon the running cost and profit of the product. Decision making process of process design and layout depends upon the performance objectives of operational management. Quality, speed, dependability, flexibility, cost are those elements those have influenced over the decision making process of the organization. Decision making process of the operation management depends upon the quality performance objective. Specification of the product is the characteristics of quality of a product. Quality is the most important element that attracts the customers. Therefore, in order to take decision about the layout and design process of the product quality should be considered as the most important factor of the product. On the other hand, Manopiniwes et al. (2013) stated that, speed and dependability are other important factors those have influenced over the decision making process of the organization in accordance with the process of operation management. Operation mangers should look after upon the fact of dependability of the customers for gaining competitive advantage among the competitive market sector. Operation managers should consider the fact of delivering the product within the stipulated time. They also should consider about the fact of flexibility of product. A company should know the process of making different products within a stipulated time frame. Flexibility refers to the variety of different products. Flexibility performance objectives therefore require more production of wide variety of products within different levels of the company. Therefore, operation manager should take decision about different products in accordance with the predetermined objectives and goals of the organiz ation. They should take the decision in order to build effective innovative product design that is more flexible for the customers as well as other stakeholders of the company. Conclusion: This report has dealt with different aspects of operation management within an organization. There are several elements those have influence over the process of operation management within an organization. Supply chain management, value added service are the most important factors of operation management. This report has also discussed manufacturing process of a manufacturing company, Pentacon of Germany. Pentacon manufactures several types of camera. This industry includes in the electronic industry. This report has discussed some process of manufacturing products with the help of operation management. Reference list Books Chopra, S. and Meindl, P. (2013). Supply chain management. Boston: Pearson. Taunton, L. (2014). Operation management. Delhi: Globus Press. Yamamoto, S. (2013). Human interface and the management of information. Berlin: Springer. Journals Casson, M. (2013). Economic Analysis of International Supply Chains: An Internalization Perspective. J Supply Chain Manag, 49(2), pp.8-13 Elgazzar, S., Tipi, N., Hubbard, N. and Leach, D. (2012). Linking supply chain processes performance to a companys financial strategic objectives. European Journal of Operational Research, 223(1), pp.276-289 Manopiniwes, W., Suphameteeskul, N. and Janchai, W. (2013). AHP Approach for Material Management Operation in a Cutting Edge Electronics Design Manufacturing Company. AMR, 748, pp.1198-1202 Narasimhan, R. and Narayanan, S. (2013). Perspectives on Supply Network-Enabled Innovations. 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