Friday, November 29, 2019
Anglo Saxons essays
Anglo Saxons essays According to the Venerable Bede, the first significant body of Germanic settlers in England had been hired as mercenaries by the British Prince Vortigern during fifth-century struggles for power among British Celts that broke out when Roman colonial troops were withdrawn. After a falling-out with their employer, these Germanic warriors seized British territory in the south of England for themselves and brought their families over the English Channel to settle it. Archaeological evidence also reveals a gradual infiltration of Germanic peoples into England along the rivers of east central England, then a low-lying bayou country that would have been impossible to police. Bede tells us that the Germanic settlers came from Anglian and Saxon regions of continental Europe, within the modern territories of Holland, Southern Denmark, and Western Germany. The settlers brought with them, in their heads, an extensive body of lore encoded in alliterative verse, including versified laws as well as historical and legendary narratives. Some of the settlers could use a runic alphabet to carve brief messages, mostly on wooden sticks, but writing was not used for Old English historical or literary material until the conversion to Christianity, when manuscript technology entered from Rome and Ireland. Old English literature includes a number of works based on native Germanic legend, including the remarkable Beowulf, a complete epic peopled by half-Christian Germanic warriors. The interweaving of Christian elements with native Germanic materials in this work is so thoughtful and intricate that the two cultural strands are very difficult to unravel. Other epic poems in native style use imported Christian narratives. Two of the best, by a poet named Cynewulf, have heroic female protagonists. As in Celtic saga, representation of gender roles in Old English narrative may seem quite strange to a modern reader. In Beowulf, for example, Queen Wealhth...
Monday, November 25, 2019
Nursing Term Paper Writing Tips for Students
Nursing Term Paper Writing Tips for Students Writing a Nursing Term Paper Some students wonder if writing a term paper on nursing has anything to do with their actual profession. The thing is that writing is theory and nursing is all about practical capabilities and knowledge. No matter how much you dislike the idea of writing a term paper, you will need to face this challenge anyway; otherwise, there will be no graduation and no decent job. So, everyone needs to confront their fear of crafting a term paper in order to please the academic world and meet the requirements for graduation. Good news is that theres nothing horrible about working on a term paper if you know all the guidelines and tricks involved in it. Youll be surprised to know that some people, who were afraid of working on a term paper, eventually find it a rewarding and fun thing to do. The key to writing an excellent paper on nursing is the preparation that you perform before you even start working on the draft. If you do the preparation stage in a proper way, then writing a paper wont be that difficult. Focusing on the examples, lets go straight to the top 4 writing tips for working a nurse term paper: Select a topic you care about. The easiest recipe to write a mediocre or bad paper is to write about something you dont care about. Therefore, you should take your time to think thoroughly about the area that you want to research. The right approach to writing a term paper is to turn it from the task that someone wants you to do into the task that you want to do yourself and this is possible only when the topic resonates with you. In this case you will have all the chances to write a stellar work. How to pick the right topic? Think about why youve chosen this field in the first place, what bothers you the most, and what problem you sincerely want to solve. Perform an in-depth research. As I have already mentioned in the introduction, the in-depth research is necessary. Once you have chosen the topic youre passionate about, you should decide on how youre going to approach the research. Will you need to observe certain practices, do interview, or spend all time in the library? Whatever methodology will you choose, make sure that youre making enough notes because this will be the information that youre going to use in your paper. Have a robust thesis. The next important thing after deciding on the topic and making a thorough research is writing a strong thesis. It should also be concise and clear. Taking these points into consideration, make sure whether you can gather enough evidence to support the claim that youre making. You can prepare different versions of your thesis and select the best one. Have more than one draft. It would be better if you prepare several rough drafts. Eventually, it will increase the quality of your term paper. Term paper writing isnt a disaster anymore if you follow these four easy tips!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Feminist Movement in Britain Research Paper
The Feminist Movement in Britain - Research Paper Example This paper tells that because feminism is a liberal movement that directly challenges existing institutional arrangements, those who feel threatened by it often respond by representing it in negative and often hostile ways. Such representations pervade the media and even the academy. Feminists have been cast as destroyers of families and other cherished institutions. They have been blamed for problems such as the delinquency of adolescents, the inability of qualified males to find jobs, and the erosion of standards in the professions, the schools, and the academy. If women would only embrace traditional roles, the argument seems to go, there would be far fewer societal problems. Before the feminist movement appeared, women were suppressed and limited their social and political life. In the late Middle Age, at a particular social level, women shared models of thought and behavior which set them apart as a group from men of the same social class. Whereas elite women have left a rich variety of writings, little has remained of the mental or material culture of ordinary women (Anderson 1987). The difficulties are increased by the fact that social distinction played less part in female culture than in early modern culture generally. Central to the female world was the woman with knowledge, the midwife who was herself a mother (Anderson 1987). The majority of women, from the poorest to the most aristocratic, shared direct experience of maternity. Even a woman of high social status who had not borne a child could find herself on the periphery of a key aspect of female culture (Smith, 2000). Given that women ideally belonged to the household, and men claimed public space as their own, both elite and popular cultures recognized that women as women had concerns of their own. If the household was the proper place for women, then the household could sometimes become a female space (Anderson 1987). Furthermore, critics show how society encouraged women to spend time w ith each other. Although, since women were perceived as sexually unstable, men regarded them as being at risk in the mixed company, men were also suspicious of women in all-female company, fearing their opportunities for gossip. Social distinction, age, and geographical location all played a part in shaping women's bonds. Nevertheless, across these divisions, there were aspects of a common culture which women shared. Their cultures and values connected them to fundamental concerns: giving birth, childrearing, and sustaining life. From women's own perspective, they preserved a culture with important life-enhancing values (Anderson 1987). In comparison, men appeared to be preoccupied with politics, authority, and their masculine vanity and virility. Within their own culture, women shaped and enhanced the lives of both sexes, across all ages. Women shared female consciousness (Smith, 2000). During the Middle Ages, religion and spirituality played a dominant role in the life of women determining their morals and values. Religious and neighborly or charitable occasions also offered women opportunities to construct feminine spheres of social dominance. Visits to the sick and dying were women's special concern because of their nursing expertise. As records of testamentary disputes confirm, the deathbed was a 'feminized' locale. The church was another setting where women demarcated their own spatial and sociable terrain. Women's quarrels about 'place' were generally confined to their own sector of the church; only rarely did, they publicly question their segregation from men (Anderson 1987). Yet while worshipping in the established church, they did not passively accept the places appointed for them by the clergy and churchwardens.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Is try and relate the problem of Internet privacy with the problem of Essay
Is try and relate the problem of Internet privacy with the problem of intellectual property - Essay Example Due to this violation of laws and rules governing intellectual property can easily be violated seeing that there are no measures to log information on the people flouting the laws. This is as seen in free file sharing websites where one may download and even upload copyrighted works from and to the internet respectively. Therefore, such websites do not appear to have any form of the privacy policy this are usually open to abuse by users and the general public, where intellectual property is plagiarized and used for personal and commercial gain at the expense of the original owner. This is due to lack of logging of user details or information in order to keep track of such users who violate intellectual property regulations blatantly, and with sheer disregard of ethical issues. Information from privacy policies is meant to ensure that the user of the internet has an idea of what he or she is doing and what information of a personal nature can or will be logged. For this reason piratin g or plagiarizing information from the internet is an easy as a website can easily be sued for violating a privacy policy that an internet user has agreed to; meaning that intellectual property is stolen under the guise of privacy policies over the internet. In addition, the privacy policies found on the internet only dictate the terms of usage of the website that one visits or the expected behaviour of the said websites. This means that the privacy policy has little to do with the intellectual property therein the said sites, or even its terms of usage. Instead, the terms of usage concerning intellectual properties are found in the copyright statement, which talks of how to legally intellectual property (Kinsella, 2011). Privacy policies are created to safeguard internet users from having their details collected and used for personal or commercial purposes by unscrupulous people. With this in mind, copyright laws are meant to take care of the needs of intellectual property where th ey define how certain aspects of intellectual property can or may be used. These two policies work together for the good of all parties involved in the usage of objects in question. However, with the rapid development in technology and new ways of violating policies governing intellectual property all thanks to discovery of new loopholes not covered in the conventional regulations (Castillo, 2011). This means that the two are facing similar challenges in application of updates to help prevent violations of privacy and copyright issues. This is as seen with the upcoming ways of stealing intellectual works over the internet, which was not originally covered in older books as compared to those that exist currently. On the internet privacy policy part there are similar changes in which new ways of collecting user information is discovered almost every day leading to new challenges in regulating the use of user information. The only positive side to the collection of information is on th en customization of content over the internet. All this is while intellectual property has no upside to infringement except possibly for its exposure to larger numbers of people if the content was used on a legal basis. This translates directly to that internet privacy policy and problems related to intellectual property face similar problems when it comes to the application of technology. There
Monday, November 18, 2019
Crisis Communicaitons Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Crisis Communicaitons Plan - Essay Example It outlines major methods for reacting to these situations in a quick and effective manner. It is the principal goal of this Crisis Communication Plan to set up guidelines for handling the recent controversial situation and to ensure that school staff are well familiar with these procedures as well as their roles in this situation. The Crisis Communication Plan is designated to be utilized along with the common decision-making hierarchy of the school and in no way supplants this decision-making process. While addressing the media and the general public, the school will deliver factual data and messages that will be most beneficial to the school and to the school district. We aim at helping the mass media through provision of information which will enable them to air unbiased and true information about the school, which will not discredit the its position as a reliable educational establishment and educational leader. In all procedures of communication, the school will set up a positive opportunity for the general public that will position the educational sector as a whole (Crisis Communication Plan: Nonprofit Toolkit). Messages about the drug abuse problem and alleged involvement of our school teachers in drugs delivery will be solution oriented, responsive and directed at effective action. They will reinforce the school’s leadership position. The following School Communications Plan will serve as a guide to crisis communication for our school. Its overall purpose is to facilitate management of communications in the context of crisis. It includes necessary organizational considerations. The next section will inform about the objectives of the plan. 4. Successfully manage the data distribution, in particular dissemination of crucial and sensitive information to the sources of the mass media, which will make the current data available for the members of the public, staff
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pakistan is one of the top cotton producing countries of the world
Pakistan is one of the top cotton producing countries of the world Executive Summary Pakistan is one of the most top cotton producing country of the world. Pakistan has the tendency to produce the best quality cotton in the world, because of that Pakistan exports its cotton to different buyers across the globe. Garment and textile industry of Pakistan needs a lot of investment to flourish its production plants to give more and more to the country and others in the globe as well. Currently country being in inflation affected the entire industry. As prices of all products have gone high, companies are forced to produce less. The political situations in our country have made the industrial sector bare losses. The policies and laws are hindering the activities of the industry. Because of that the other competing countries are getting an edge over Pakistan. More research needs to be done in this sector to avail all the possible technologies to make our textile and garment industry better. Other than that our needs to start producing end wearable garments and then export them to increase the exports and increase awareness of the local brands. Currently popular textile is working on producing jean for renowned brands of the world. Government needs to make efforts to establish the garment industry in Pakistan. Table of Content Contents Contents 2 Introduction: 4 Industry Scenario: 7 Industry Facts and Figures 7 Problems in industry 7 Technology being implied 8 Business Model Analysis 8 SWOT Analysis: 12 Strength: 12 Weakness: 13 Opportunity: 16 Threats: 18 SWOT Analysis (Summary) 19 Strengths: 19 Weaknesses: 19 Opportunities: 19 Threats: 19 PEST Analysis: 20 20 Political Outfit: 20 20 Economical Analysis and Performance: 20 Social Liabilities and Duties: 21 Technological Requirements and up gradation: 22 PORTER Five Forces Model: 23 1.Bargaining power of customers (demand scenario): 24 24 Factors 24 2.Bargaining power of suppliers (supply scenario): 24 24 3. Threat of new entrants: 26 26 4. Threat of substitutes: 27 5. Competitive rivalry: 28 Contribution to Exports: 30 Conclusion: 31 References: 32 Garment Industry of Pakistan Introduction: Textile and Garments is considered the most important sector of Pakistans economy and the largest industry with a 46% share of total manufacturing. Accounting for 67% of exports, employment for 40% of the workforce and a 10.20% share in GDP confirms the importance of this sector. Pakistans large available human resource pool offers an important incentive for further growth of this labor intensive industry. Contribution of Textile Garment Sector Percentage Contribution Total Manufacturing 46% Total Exports 67% Employment for Workforce 40% Total Share in GDP 10.20% Although Pakistan is the fourth largest cotton producer in the world with strong spinning and weaving infrastructure, the value added sector (cotton products) has a small share in exports. The main reason is shortage of training facilities able to enhance skills and produce competent middle managers having in-depth knowledge of processes and hands-on experience in contemporary technologies. Garment manufacturing is a major growing sub-sector of the textile value chain. It consumes the majority of the workforce in Pakistans textile and garments industry and has been contributing towards the high growth-rate in exports as figures shows it is 67% contributing in export of Pakistan. However, the garment industry is now suffering from some acute problems in productivity, in quality, in management marketing skills and thus facing a serious threat of a reduced share of international markets. According to the World Banks report on the impact of Quota Elimination in Pakistan, the effect on apparel exports from Pakistan will be negative due to stronger competition from other countries. The implication would be serious if no action is taken to improve productivity and efficiency. In the garments sector, Pakistans productivity is estimated to be only 37% of the benchmark established by China. Compared to this, Indias garments sector productivity is better, at 46%. For Pakistan, raising productivity by improving production process efficiency is key to reap benefits after the Multi-Fibre Agreement was abolished. If Pakistan is able to increase its productivity in textiles and clothing by 60% and reach Chinas productivity level, the gain would likely be over US$ 1 billion per year. Keeping in view the emerging trend in the global market, there is a huge potential for Pakistans garment sector. However, to be competitive in the global market after the removal of the quota regime in January 2005, it is imperative to have efficient and cost effective production systems with minimum wastages to attract buyers. The TUSDEC need assessment which included discussions/interviews with the key garment exporters clearly revealed the need for urgent reforms in the textile industry and especially in garment manufacturing and exporting as this is the most value added sector. This need had never before been felt as intensely as now, in the major garments clusters located in Lahore, Karachi, Sialkot, Faisalabad and Multan. In unison they expressed that the existing infrastructure of textile garments institutes in the country is not able to fulfill the requirement for skilled human resources to meet the immediate demand. The need assessment showed that an intervention for fast-track capacity building of the garment industry to meet the challenges posed by the ever-changing demand of international markets was justified. To cope with this dire need, it was proposed to hire foreign experts on long term basis to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the workers employed in the garment industry. Industry Scenario: As quoted by Chairman of All Pakistan Textile Mill Association, Textiles are the most important industry in Pakistan. It accounts for approximately 40 percent of manufacturing employment, over 60 percent of total exports, and over 30 percent of value-added production. Pakistans textile industry, based on locally grown cotton, produces cotton yarn, cotton cloth, and made-up textiles and apparel. Industry Facts and Figures As data cited at web published edition of aptma, Pakistan had a total of 503 spinning mills with an installed capacity of 10,437,000 spindles and 155,104 rotors. The weaving industry has 53 integrated units (composite units with spinning and weaving in one unit) with an installed capacity of 14,130 looms; 512 shuttle less weaving units with an installed capacity of 13,340 1ooms; and approximately 30,000 units in the power loom (shuttle loom) sector, with an estimated 225,253 looms. In PFY-97 it additionally had 670 finishing units with a production capacity of 3,460 million sq. meters of fabric per annum, 700 knitwear units with 15,000 knitting machines, and 4,000 garment units with 160,000 industrial and 450,000 domestic sewing machines. Exports of all textiles in PFY-97 totaled a value of USD 5.4 billion. The major buyer of textile clothing and accessories was the United States, which purchased USD 309.2 million of goods. (Michelle, Pakistan Profile, January/February 2007) Problems in industry Pakistans excessive economic reliance on the textile industry now necessitates the upgrade of its low value-added textile products to higher value-added products and the development of additional export markets. The Government of Pakistan (GOP) has reportedly constituted a textile commission to examine the problems of the textile industry and guide its future planning in the effort to turn this vital sector of the country economy into a healthy and internationally competitive industry. The upgrade to value-added production will require more sophisticated machinery. Trade sources believe that given favorable rupee/dollar parity, the textile industry may be expected to grow by as much as 10 to 15 percent annually over the next 2-3 years. Technology being implied In PFY-98 Pakistan offered an import market of USD 213 million for the sale of textile machinery, equipment and parts. Statistics for domestic production are not available, but trade sources report that manufacture, which is geared to demand, is at the present time negligible. The market has declined drastically over the last six years. In PFY-93, Pakistan imported USD 789.2 million worth of textile machinery. Imports fell in subsequent years to USD 352.7 million in PFY-94, USD 294.9 in PFY-95, USD 187.0 million in PFY-96 and USD 129 million in PFY 97. Given improved financial conditions, the import market share is expected to increase by 10 percent annually over the next three years. (Citied at website of aptma.) Business Model Analysis The textile industry is today based almost entirely in the private sector as the inefficiency of the public sector units has forced the GOP to privatize them. The three remaining textile units in the public sector are integrated units and are to be offered for privatization in the very near future. Pakistans textile spinning industry is presently in a crisis. As a result of poor cotton crops, the withdrawal of cotton subsidy and the export of raw cotton, the industry, whose feasibility has been based on the use of low-priced cotton, is no longer viable. Pakistans weaving sector has an installed capacity of 14,130 looms in integrated weaving mills; 13,340 looms in shuttless weaving units; and approximately 200,500 to 225,250 looms in the power loom sector. The looms installed in the integrated units are old and less than approximately 40 percent are working. The independent weaving units are a relatively new phenomenon in the Pakistan market, and have been created as a result of market demand, government incentives and the move towards higher quality products. Pakistans finishing industry is comprised of approximately 670 units, the majority of which are independent units and complimentary to the weaving industry. Their installed capacity is old and needs replacement. The integrated units are reported to have a capacity utilization of only 35 percent of installed capacity as most of their machinery is also old and uses outdated technology. (Citied at Directors Review of aptma.) Competing Countries Export Share of Market- Trend Analysis Country 1980 1990 2000 2005 Variance 2000 2005 China 4.0 8.9 18.2 26.9 8.7 Turkey 0.3 3.1 3.3 4.3 1.0 India 1.7 2.3 3.1 3.0 (0.1) Mexico 0.0 0.5 4.4 2.6 (1.8) Bangladesh 0.0 0.6 2.0 2.3 0.3 Vietnam 0.9 1.7 0.8 Pakistan 0.3 0.9 1.1 1.3 0.2 Sri Lanka 0.3 0.6 1.4 1.0 (0.4) Thailand 0.7 2.6 1.9 1.5 (0.4) Source: United States Department of Agriculture Global Market Shares Top 15 Retailers worldwide: S. No Retailer Origin Market Share USD Millions 1 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. USA $219,000 2 Carrefour Group FRANCE $61,565 3 Royal A hold HOLLAND $57,976 4 The Home Depot, Inc USA $53,553 5 The Kroger Co. USA $50,098 6 Metro AG GERMANY $43,357 7 Target USA $43,355 8 Albertsons USA $37,931 9 Kmart USA $36,151 10 Sears USA $35,843 11 Safeway UK $34,301 12 Costco USA $34,137 13 Tesco UK $33,614 14 JCPenny USA $32,004 15 Aldi Einkauf GERMANY $31,310 (Source: Stores/Deloitte Touch Tomahatsu) SWOT Analysis: Strength: Raw material Base: Pakistan has high self sufficiency in raw material and is the fourth largest producer of cotton. Abundant use of cotton resources has made the Textile industry of Pakistan move towards the area of industrialization. Labor: Cheap labor has always been the backbone of the economy of Pakistan. Cheap and ample supply of labor strengthens the industrial and agriculture sector of the country. Around 39% of the labor force works in the textile sector. As Karl Marx said that we have to use the army of labor present in the country for productive means. Thus cheap and abundant labor means low cost of production. Rich Heritage: Due to cultural diversity and rich heritage, designers come up with new different and attractive designs which are appreciated worldwide. Our culture comprises of Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi and Pushtoo values. Also we are also influenced by the Indian culture through the media exposure, which of course gives the Pakistani designers an inspiration and taste of Karnataka, Rajhastani styles, etc. This varied culture and fusion among these two neighbours gives inspiration to the designers to give their best in terms of styles, creativity and fashion. Domestic Market: The recent shift of the population from the agrarian society to the urban areas, increased income levels and growth of the population raised the domestic demand. This means more factories more manufacturing units, more supply and more labor. Weakness: Research Development: Developed countries are using the technology of genetic engineering and biotechnology to increase the quality and quantity of their cotton production. They are able to grow colored cotton, organic cotton and several different varieties cotton to added value to the textile chain. In Pakistan, there is very some research done on small scale by private companies to invent modified cotton fibers. Practically no efforts are being made by the APTMA in the RD of the textile industry to enhance the quality of its products, upgrade the technology used, and encourage effective methods of production in order to compete internationally. Instead the industry suffers lack of latest means of production and falling cotton crop output every year. Due to low quality of cotton crop, profitability decreases and the farmer switch to the other crop such as sugar cane, maize and thus the cotton production decreases. More Dependence on Cotton: As the textile sector is heavily dependent on cotton production, low cultivation of cotton will deteriorate the textile industry. On the other hand, Pakistan lacks expertise in the development, production and marketing of synthetic products and fabrics required for items like swimwear, skiwear and industrial apparel. So far Pakistan has been unable to diversify in the export of textiles and is heavily dependent on single fibre that is cotton and its blends. This dependence on single crop economy is restricting the diversification of exports from Pakistan. Labor Productivity: Despite of the abundant supply of the labor, productivity of the labor is very low. According to a study by Federal Adviser on textiles, the regional competitors of Pakistan take75 minutes to complete and produce one piece of cloth whereas we take 133 minutes for the same work. We also waste 30% in finishing and 12% in washing. European buyers recommended that we should cut our costs up to 45%in sewing by getting more efficient. Labor productivity can be improved by giving the labor appropriate training with the advancement of technology so as to make them more efficient and with lower wastage of resources. In China an average 70 hours of training are given to labor to enhance their expertise. Poor Infrastructure: The important resources and infrastructure, such as adequate of supply of water, continuous supply of electricity and gas, efficient logistics and transportation, tax structure, raw material supply are all basic requirements for the development of an industrial base. However, on the other hand, the industry is faced with rising charges of the energy sector, which increases the cost of production, making it difficult to compete with the other regional rivals. Poor Quality Standards: With the exception of big and leading units who comply with global quality standards in textiles, most of the medium and small sized units can not ensure the reliable and consistent quality standards. Some of these textile units import second hand machinery from China, India, Korea, and Taiwan with no checks and balances on the quality of the machinery parts and tools. Preference is only given to the cheap and workable machinery with no concern of the quality of the machine, therefore, resulting in poor quality of the end product. The industry can generate more profit by adding more value to the product, as value can be measured in terms of quality, increased per unit price, etc. Pakistans textile industry should focus on latest material handling techniques and should train workers. The inability to timely modernize the equipment, machinery and labor has led to the decline of Pakistani textile competitiveness. Unstable Political Situation: Political unrest, strikes and terrorism have critically affected the economy of Pakistan. Frequent changing of the government has adversely maligned the policies of the textile sector. According to the World Trade Review Pakistan has failed to take necessary steps needed to meet post Multi-Fiber Agreement (MFA) challenges for its textile industry owing to lack of political will by the successive governments. In 1978 World Bank surveyed the Pakistan textile industry and reported many deficiencies in this sector. It also gave certain measures to resolve these issues, but unfortunately all these problems still persist and the industry is still unable to keep its pace with the international market. Successive governments lacked the will to reform human resources and adapt the marketing techniques that resulted present scenario in this industry. System Orientation And Supply Chain: Nowadays, customers are very systematic in their work and the expect the same professionalism from their vendors. Unfortunately, we lack this capability and are not competent to struggle in the international business, thus losing many opportunities. On the other hand supply chain management is rarely implemented. We are disorganized, disconnected and dis torted. Time management is very much important aspect in the business and buyers expect on time delivery to match the retail launch of the Spring/ Summer or Autumn/Winter seasonal collections on time . Delayed delivery of export orders result increase in cost due to fines by the buyers and at times losing business altogether due to the breach the order con-tract. Opportunity: Pakistan Textile City: Pakistan Textile City in Port Qasim, Karachi with an area of 1250 acres, will be completed in 2011 as a private public sector joint venture. The main purpose of the textile city is to provide the textile industry with the world class infra structure to meet the global competitiveness and challenges and as to provide value added textile industrial zone. Its main features include one way window operation, constant supplies of gas and water, and uninterrupted power supply. Marketing: Targeting the unexplored export markets with the help of aggressive sales and marketing will pave the way for the textile growth. Its all about hunting your opportunities with the handful of colorful lollipops. If we make investment in our sales force and train them in the fine art of marketing textile products, we can capture a much bigger market share from other smaller competitors. Collaboration with Foreign Companies: No company in the world can afford to ignore the strategic and competitive benefits of making partnership with another company to strengthen the market position. By making partners with the foreign companies, we will be able to learn a lot from them in terms system orientation, supply chain and it would be feasible to import latest technology. We can also reduce our costs, comply with the inter-national standards, and add value to our products, easiness in marketing our products in different foreign regions, improved labor and thus catching up with our regional competitors. Re-engineering of Production System: Information technology has a crucial role in manufacturing sector. Acquiring state of the art machinery is though very much expensive, but a very fruitful and necessary measure to stay competitive in the long run. It is the level of trust; the exporter builds with its customers by giving them flawless products, made on state of the art machinery. Once this trust is developed, there is no other way than any unforeseen exception that you may lose a customer to another competitor. Therefore, it is highly recommended to produce with great efficiency, minimizing the wastage of the raw material, energy resources and thus reducing the cost of production. Producing high Value Products: Its better to export yarn than raw cotton. Similarly its better to export finished fabric than to export grey fabric (raw fabric). Furthermore its very much feasible to export readymade garments than to only fabrics. What makes the latter better is the value added and subsequent increase in per unit price. Therefore, the textile industry should focus on the finished products so as to create more value in their products and reap larger margin of profits. The industry should also diversify into other areas such as technical textiles and nonwovens in order decrease its dependence on conventional and commodity textiles, which is highly sensitive to per unit price and volume for the profit margin. Image Building of Pakistan to Attract FDI: Security measures should be taken to facilitate the buyers and investors to visit Pakistan for investments. Secure business environment must be needed to attract golden sparrows to facilitate business dealings and building positive image of Pakistan that they can rely upon. Reducing the Cost of Business: China and India are much cheaper in labor, raw material and utilities as compared with Pakistan. Rising inflation also increase the cost of production. We have to control these unnecessary costs if we have to survive in the middle of the two giants of the textile sector in the world. Threats: New competitors: Pakistan is facing new competitors in textile sector such as; Bangladesh Vietnam Turkey Though we cannot avoid competition but we can always stay ahead of them by reforming our strategies and educating our entrepreneurs so as to move one step forward in every aspect. Phasing out of quota System: As the quota system is ruled out by WTO, there is a threat by the Chinese and Indian manufacturers to gain most of the market share. We have high costs, low labor productivity and inefficient production processes. Fashion life Cycle: Fashion changes rapidly now a day. Media has so much penetrated in our daily lives that we easily adapt our-selves as it wants us to. This has resulted in shortening the fashion lifecycle thus increasing the fashion risk. Now the buyer does not want to wait long for his consignment because he is insecure that by the time it will reach to him he will lost its demand due to change in fashion. Therefore, they prefer to buy from neighboring countries even at higher cost to get their products instantly rather than to wait weeks or months for their consignments to reach them. SWOT Analysis (Summary) Strengths: Raw material Base Labor Rich Heritage Domestic Market Weaknesses: Research Development More Dependence on Cotton Labor Productivity Poor Infrastructure Poor Quality Standards Unstable Political Situation System Orientation And Supply Chain Opportunities: Pakistan Textile City Marketing Collaboration with Foreign Companies Re-engineering of Production System Producing high Value Products Image Building of Pakistan to Attract FDI Reducing the Cost of Business Threats: New competitors Phasing out of quota System Fashion life Cycle PEST Analysis: Political Outfit: Textile industry, and all other business in the field are subjected to very high risk due to unstable political outfit, this restricts joint ventures in the industry. We only have only one example of joint Venture in the industry that is Lucky Tex SITE with J. Rosenthals and Sons of England. As the political outfit is extremely unstable and does not guarantee any consistency over the span of time, therefore attracting foreign investment in the sector is very limited, and only confined to term financing, or credits. Economical Analysis and Performance: Till not so long ago, the Pakistan textile industry was one of the key drivers of growth and employment generation. The plight of the textile exports continued during the first four months (July-October) of current financial as they fell by around one percent during the period. The export of textile products came to $3.539 billion in the period under review, which is 2008 against $3.573 billion in the corresponding period of previous year. At a time when growth in export is badly needed to plug the widening trade deficit, the dismal performance of the largest export earning textile sector is causing serious problems for the state in its efforts for registering quantum jump in export earnings. Complaining about the high cost of production of textile products due to expensive raw materials and high rates of utilizes the textile associations are clamoring for incentives in the shape of RD support to enable them to compete in the international market. The breakup shows that almost all the categories in textile group performed dismally during the period under review. (Pakistan Textile Journal, October2008) (Microeconomics of competitiveness, Textiles cluster in Pakistan, 2007) Social Liabilities and Duties: 160 million population growing @ 3% Growing trend of urbanization Viable middle class Increasing literacy among females Per capita income growing @ 14% = $ 652 GDP growth = 2% Retail whole sale trade is 18.4 % of GDP Stock exchange crossed 8000 points million of expatriate workers Technological Requirements and up gradation: Pakistan textile industry is blessed with state of the art machinery, and local entrepreneurs remain well updated in this scenario. Thou, there is no or limited government support in up gradation programs at the moment, but previously from 2003 to 2005 this sector has enjoyed multiple benefits on import of technology and machinery in terms of GOPs program for BMR, so that industry could be geared up to meet challenges of WTO, once the quota regime was over. PORTER Five Forces Model: One of the worst hit sectors during the skyrocketing interest rate scenario in the late 90s and early 2000s, the debt-laden Pakistan textile industry has spun many turn-around stories since then. Aided by lower interest rates, restructuring packages from financial institutions and the recent dismantle of quotas; the sector is today well poised to capture growth opportunities. In 2008, the sector contributed 20% to industrial production, 9% to excise collections, 18% of employment in industrial sector, nearly 20% to the countrys total export earnings and 4% to the GDP. The textile sector employs nearly 35 m people and is the second highest employer in the country. Infect, it is estimated that one out of every six households in the country directly or indirectly depend on this sector. Here we analyze the sectors dynamics through Porters five-factor model. (Thompson, Strickland III,Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases. 15th Edition) Bargaining power of customers (demand scenario): Factors HUFA MUFA Neutral MFA HFA 1 2 3 4 5 Number of Important buyers Few X Many Threat of Backward integration High X Low Product supplied Comodity X Speciality Switching cost Low X High % of buyers cost High X Low Profit Earned by Buyer High X Low Total 15 2 4 0 4 5 Score 2.50 Global textile clothing industry is currently pegged at around US$ 440 bn. US and European markets dominate the global textile trade accounting for 64% of clothing and 39% of textile market. With the dismantling of quotas, global textile trade is expected to grow (as per Mc Kinsey estimates) to US$ 650 bn by 2010 (5 year CAGR of 10%). Although China is likely to become the supplier of choice, other low cost producers like Pakistan would also benefit as the overseas importers would try to mitigate their risk of sourcing from only one country. The two-fold increase in global textile trade is also likely to drive Pakistans exports growth. Pakistans textile export (at US$ 15 bn in 2005) is expected to grow to US$ 40 bn, capturing a market share of close to 8% by 2010. Pakistan, in particular, is likely to benefit from the rising demand in the home textiles and apparels
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Advertising Analysis Essay -- Ad Advertisement Commercial Essays
Advertising Analysis This paper will analyze an ATT commercial according to audience, purpose, context, ethics, and stance. The focus will emphasize the audience which the aid is trying to reach and how they do so. The commercial begins with Latino rap music playing in the background, as a man drives up in a 62 chevy low rider convertible. This car is the paramount of ghetto style enhancement. As he pulls up it is impossible not to notice his car’s insanely high-powered hydraulics. This car is classic and one can tell its worth by it expensive paint job alone. The driver is dressed in an aristocratic ghetto style which includes and expensive watch and better than average clothing. A goatee adds to this style of appearance. The driver asks a group of four young people if they are using the phone that one of them is leaning against. One of the shocked juveniles responds that he isn’t using the phone. The driver says,†The great thing about 1-800 call ATT is the rates don’t bounce up and down†.The driver then tries to hop out of the insanely rocking car but trips and lands on his face in the street. He dials 1-800 call ATT and shakes out his hand as the sou nd effects of a cracking whip coincides. He then says,†smooth†to himself as if to affirm his coolness. One of the young ladies by the phone flashes him a questioning look. When the line picks up he states,†Sweetie, I need a ride†. The camera pans to his car that is bouncing down the street setting off car alarms. He then pounds his chest twice and holds out his fist, a ghetto gesture, again trying to reaffirm his coolness. The makers of this commercial intended the audience to be teenagers and young adults. The values used were sex appeal (of one of the... ...y they did this was by using hyperbole to such a point so as to make something stylish appear ludicrously funny. The repeated exposures to the service throughout the commercial also aids in selling the service. The time slot and channel for this commercial was also strategically planned so as to get the maximum exposure to the intended audience. There was no attempt to hide the blatant advertising. This was clearly meant to be seen as a commercial. However, the ethics were a bit on the shady side so as to make the deal seem better than it really was. The small print of the details makes it appear as though the company is trying to hide the truth and is shown only because it is mandatory. The rhetoric of this commercial is in short stating this commercial is meant to sell a service to young people through a comedic commercial while hiding the negative ethics.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Review of Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications
REVIEW ON MOBILE PRESENCE SERVICES IN SOCIAL NETWORK APPLICATIONS Abstractionâ€â€Today broad scopes of nomadic devices are available. As the use and engineering of nomadic devices additions, societal web applications are going popular. An indispensable constituent of this societal web application is nomadic presence service, which maintains each nomadic user’s presence information. The presence information means the current position, GPS location of nomadic user and besides updates the user’s online friend’s information. As the update occur often, figure of message distributed by presence waiter may take to scalability job.To specify this job, scalable waiter architecture called PresenceCloud is defined.In cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) , the presence service is performed by IP multimedia nucleus web subsystem ( IMS ) .A weak consistent scheme is used to cut down the presentment traffic. Presentment clip means clip needed to advise the presence information to other users. This paper makes a reapprais al on work outing buddy list hunt job.The consequence shows that PresenceCloud achieves public presentation addition in the hunt cost without compromising hunt satisfaction. Keywordsâ€â€social web ; nomadic presence service ; presence information ;I. IntroductionMobile computer science is human-computer by which a computing machine is expected to be transported during normal use. This involved nomadic communicating, hardware etc. Chiefly nomadic calculating describes about communicating among client to server, client to other terminal user, waiter to server etc. Today as the engineering and use of cyberspace additions, societal web application/services ( illustrations are Facebook [ 1 ] , Twitter [ 2 ] , buddycloud [ 3 ] , Google latitude [ 4 ] , foursquare [ 5 ] ) go popular in worldwide. Many communications like confab, online concern, informations sharing etc can be done utilizing societal web application/services. Hence, it is inevitable that societal web services will be the following coevals of nomadic cyberspace application. Mobile presence service is one of the of import component in societal web application. Mobile presence service means maintain up-to day of the month presence information of all nomadic user. Presence information includes location, position, activity etc about the nomadic users. Each nomadic user has a list of friend’s list which we can name as buddy list. On the other manus, we can state that buddy list contains the contact information of the user he/she needs to pass on. Each nomadic user in the societal w eb application gets information about their on-line friends/buddies via the presence information. The nomadic user’s position is broadcast automatically to the buddy list whenever the user moves from one position to another. So presentment is an of import portion in societal web application. Most presence services use server bunch engineering, to maximise hunt velocity and minimise the presentment clip. The waiter involved in this communicating, keeps up-to day of the month path of all these presence information sing the nomadic user. There are so many issues in nomadic computer science. Some are deficient bandwidth, require careful usage of practical private web, cell phone signals may do wellness jobs, signal jobs during going, more power ingestion during less signal strength etc. In cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) , the presence service is performed by IP multimedia nucleus web subsystem ( IMS ) .Here a weak consistent scheme is used to cut down the presentment traffic. Hence presentment clip can be cut downing. Presentment clip means clip needed to advise the presence information to other users. Instantaneous message provides communicating ( online confab ) between two or more users over cyberspace. Microsoft courier, yahoo courier are some of the illustrations for the instant message. Overview of the available characteristics, maps, architecture, protocols used in these popular populace IM web are described. Besides discuss advantages and disadvantages of these IM webs. In societal web application an efficient and scalable server-to-server sheathing architecture called PresenceCloud is used to better the efficiency of nomadic presence services for large-scale societal web. A quorum-based server-to-server architecture is used for efficient buddy list seeking. The comparing consequence shows that PresenceCloud achieves public presentation additions without giving hunt satisfaction. Search satisfaction is defined as the clip it takes to seek for the geting user’s buddy list.II. Different engineeringsThis subdivision describes assorted method or engineerings used in different systems. Here, foremost describes about different characteristics and maps supported by three most popular IM systems: AIM, Microsoft MSN and Yahoo! Messenger. Second describes, in cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) web architecture, to cut down the presentment traffic a decrepit consistent strategy called delayed update can be used. Third describes about chord which provide a scalable peer-to-peer search service for internet application. Finally, an efficient and scalable waiter architecture called PresenceCloud is defined. In [ 6 ] describes different maps and characteristics of three IM systems such as AIM, Microsoft MSN and Yahoo Messenger. Instant messaging can be specify a public confab etc. In extra some provide file transportation, webcam use, voice confabs session etc. Here the writer comparing three IM systems ( AIM, Microsoft MSN and Yahoo Messenger ) .All of these IM systems uses client-server architecture. Supporting immense figure of user is an of import issue in these IM systems. Two methods are available: 1 is symmetric and other is asymmetric. Each waiter performs indistinguishable maps in symmetric method and in asymmetric method each waiter execute peculiar activity assigned to it like log in, detecting other users, maintain chat room etc. For normal operation AIM uses client-server architecture and for voice confabs session uses peer-to-peer attack. Therefore two clients communicate straight without utilizing a confab room. For normal and voice confabs YMSG uses client-server architecture. Through centralised voice chat server YMSG voice traffic is routed. One advantage of utilizing this attack is that within the same confab room it can back up multiple users and each user can stipulate their ain voice specification. For normal operation MSN uses client-server architecture and for voice confabs session uses peer-to-peer approach.MSN voice chat session is limited to two individuals. Most of the IM systems have techniques for keeping list of friends. They are called buddy list, allow list and block list. Buddy list contain peoples that a user demand to pass on and supervise their presence. Block list contains peoples that a user demand to barricade communicating with them, it’s besides called black list. Allow li st contains people that a user needs to pass on. MSN, AIM and YMSG contains buddy list and block list.MSN and AIM besides contain allow list. Many web protocols like TCP and IP have used binary representation of informations in byte order. Application bed protocol ( HTTP and SMTP ) have used text-based attack. The advantage of utilizing bye order is that it supports efficient usage of infinite in the web. The advantage of text-based attack is that the representation is closer to human position information and debugging is easier.AIM and YMSG utilizations binary representation for their header.AIM contains two-level binary representation called FLAP and SNAC packages. Fixed length heading and variable length day of the month in FLAP packages. SNAC packages are subtype of FLAP packages that contains fixes length Fieldss followed by a variable information constituent. Fig.1.AIM FLAP and SNAC package format YMSG has individual degree construction for fixed Fieldss followed by variable length Fig.2.YMSG package format One of the of import job in IM suppliers are user send informations at inordinate rate, inundation caused in the web because of useless traffic.TCP provide some protection mechanism against this through congestion control.AIM has a complex algorithm for solve this, but it has different rate ( rates are based on a clip window ) bounds based on message type. The user will be warned, if the client exceeds the rate and if this continues, the waiter will get down dropping message and will unplug the client. YMSG has a bound of three IM per seconds. Another method to minimise the burden is by acquiring rid of idle clients. Each system in IM maintains a keep-alive pulse message: the connexion may be terminated if the client does non supply pulse message or response to the question. In AIM the client must direct this keep-alive message in every minute to the waiter. YMSG contains two types of pulse petition: a primary and a secondary.MSN has client and waiter pulse message. In [ 7 ] paper, to cut down the presentment traffic a decrepit consistent scheme is used. In IP multimedia nucleus web subsystem ( IMS ) , the presence waiter is responsible for advising an authorised spectator of the updated presence information. Presence service provides service to entree other user’s presence information such as the user position, activities and so on. In cosmopolitan nomadic telecommunication system ( UMTS ) web architecture, a user with user equipment entree presence service in IMS. When the user provides information to the presence waiter, so user play the function as presentity and the user accesses other user’s information so it act as a spectator. In IMS, control signaling is carried out by call session control map ( CSCF ) .The presence service process is defined by 3rdcoevals partnership undertaking ( 3GPP ) The presence waiter instantly notifies other users in the contact, when the presence information of a user alterations. If the updates occur more often, so the figure of presentment messages increases. To cut down the presentment traffic a decrepit consistent strategy called delayed update can be used. In delayed update, when the presence waiter receives the updated presence information, the presence waiter starts a delayed timer with a period T. This period is called delayed threshold. Within the period T, if the presence information is updated, so old information is replaced by the new information. When the timer expires, the presence waiter notifies the spectator of the presence information. Therefore, the presentments for the updates in T are saved. In [ 8 ] mentioned about chord which provide a scalable peer-to-peer search service for internet application. A cardinal job that challenges peer-to-peer application is turn uping the node that store a peculiar information point. This paper presents a solution for this by showing chord. The chord provides one operation: given a key, it maps the cardinal onto a node.In peer-to-peer system, the application is distributed without any cardinal control, where the package running equivalent in functionality at each node. The corresponding node is responsible for hive awaying a value associated with the key. Chord uses hashing to delegate keys to allow chord nodes. Each chord node needs merely a few other nodes routing information. Because the routing tabular array is distributed to other nodes. If N-node presented in a system, so each node maintain information merely approximately O ( log N ) other nodes. The chord maintains its routing information as the nodes articulations and leaves a s ystem. In [ 9 ] paper, an efficient and scalable waiter architecture called PresenceCloud is defined. PresenceCloud solve the scalability job called buddy list hunt job. Buddy list hunt job can be defined as the scalability job occurs when presence service is overloaded with buddy hunt message. The PresenceCloud can be used to expeditiously question the system for buddy list hunt. In PresenceCloud design, it consists of three constituents: PresenceCloud waiter sheathing, one-hop caching scheme and directed buddy hunt. When the nomadic user get into the PresenceCloud, the user authenticate to the nomadic presence service. Then the nomadic user opens a TCP connexion to one of the presence waiter. The nomadic user sends a petition to the presence waiter for buddy list hunt. PresenceCloud returns the presence information of the brothers. PresenceCloud is based on grid-quorum system ( size is vn?vn. When a presence waiter joins into the PresenceCloud, it gets an Idaho in the grid and obtains its presence waiter list. Presence server node can take one column and one row of entries. This entry is called the presence waiter list. In the fig: 3, the figure of presence waiter n=9.The PresenceCloud is arranged in grid-quorum with v9?v9 size. The presence waiter node 8 has presence server list { 2,5,7,9 } and 3 has { 1,2,6,9 } . PresenceCloud uses a hoarding scheme to retroflex presence information of each user to better the efficiency of the searching operation. Each presence server node maintains presence information of the affiliated users. When the neighbour establishes a connexion to presence waiter, the cache is updated. When a presence waiter receives a query/request from the nomadic user, it can react non merely from the lucifers from its ain list, but besides provide lucifers from its caches. Fig:3 PresenceCloud Server Overlay The figure of presentment messages increases when the nomadic user often changes its presence information. This buddy list hunt job can be solved by utilizing an algorithm called directed buddy hunt algorithm. This algorithm uses bipartisan sheathing and one-hop caching scheme. This helps PresenceCloud to supply fleet responses for big figure of nomadic user. The algorithm is defined in [ 9 ] .III. ComparisonIn mesh based design, all the presence information at each node is replicated to other nodes. Hence its hunt cost is merely one message. In distributed hash tabular array ( chord based ) , no reproduction ; presence information of a user is merely stored in one presence waiter. Here, each brother must be searched one by one. In PresenceCloud, its hunts buddy list from ain node list and cache list. Besides notifies other users about the new presence information. Simulation consequence is mentioned in [ 9 ] .This paper shows graphical representation of their consequence. Findingss from that graphical representation are: ( I ) As the reaching rate of nomadic user additions, the figure of presence message is really low in PresenceCloud. Hence PresenceCloud outperforms all other design. ( two ) As the reaching rate of nomadic user additions, the mean seeking messages/user is low in PresenceCloud. That means PresenceCloud requires least message transmittal. ( three ) Average message transmittal of PresenceCloud additions bit by bit with the figure of presence waiter. ( four ) Average message transmittal of PresenceCloud is non impacted by the figure of brothers. When analysing hunt satisfaction in waiter architecture, the findings are ; ( I ) Buddy seeking latency grows with the figure of presence waiter in PresenceCloud. Here mesh-based design performs better. ( two ) When the figure of brothers additions, buddy hunt latency is really low in mesh-based design. but suffer to a great extent communicating cost.DecisionFrom the analysis and survey, it’s found that PresenceCloud achieves low hunt latency & A ; shows better public presentation than others. PresenceCloud solve brother list hunt job. Overall, PresenceCloud support a scalable nomadic presence service in big graduated table societal web services.Mentions[ 1 ] Facebook, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 2 ] Twitter, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 3 ] Buddycloud, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 4 ] Google latitude, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 5 ] Foursquare, hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 6 ] R. B. Jennings, E. M. Nahum, D. P. Olshefski, D. Saha, Z.-Y. Shae, and C. Waters, †A survey of cyberspace blink of an eye messaging and confab protocol, †IEEE Network, 2006. . [ 7 ] W.-E. Chen, Y.-B. Lin and R.-H. Liou, †A weakly consistent strategy for ims presence service, †IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communicationss, 2009. [ 8 ] I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, M. F. Kaashoek, and H. Balakrishnan, †Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer search service for cyberspace, †IEEE/ACM Tran. on Networking, 2003. [ 9 ] Chi-Jen Wu, Jan-Ming Ho â€Å"A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile Presence Services in Social Network Applications, †IEEE minutess on nomadic computer science, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Best AP Biology Study Guide
The Best AP Biology Study Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Studying for AP Biology is a big undertaking, and it can seem pretty overwhelming at first. However, if you get an early start and have the right strategies and tools at your disposal, you stand a strong chance of getting a great score on the test. In this complete AP Biology study guide, my goal is to provide you with all the resources you need to carry out a focused, effective study plan. I'll provide you with all the information you need to begin your journey to a 5 (nope, it's not too ambitious!). What’s the Purpose of This Guide? This AP Biology study guide will give you the tools you need to prepare for the final AP Biology test as well as any assessments you encounter in your class throughout the year.In the first section, I will give you some advice on how to structure your study plan for the AP test depending on your level of preparation and the amount of time you have before the exam.You may decide to skip this section if you’re not ready to start studying for the final exam yet, but you can also read it to get an idea of how you will organize things in the future. In the next section, I’ll provide some study strategies that will help you get the most out of the information and resources contained in this guide.Access to content won’t get you a great score unless you know how to absorb it efficiently and apply it to the format of the test! In the two sections following these tips, I’ll link to notes that you can use to study different aspects of the course.The first section covers all the basic content that's taught in AP Biology, organized by the course’s four "Big Ideas" (or main themes).The second section will link to descriptions of each of the labs you'll need to be familiar with in this course in case you lost any reports from earlier in the year! Finally, I’ll provide a list of online resources that you can use to practice your AP Biology skills and review the concepts you’ve learned. AP Biology Study Plans Before you decide on a study plan, I would advise you to take a practice test to see where you’re currently scoring.You can use a test in a review book or look online for sample tests from 2013 or later.Once you take and score this test, you can think more critically about how much time you need to spend studying for AP Biology.I’ll give you an example of two study plans; the 10-hour plan is if you’re hoping to improve by one AP point or just hone your skills so that you’re more solidly in the 5 range.The 20-hour plan is for students who are hoping to improve by around 2 AP points.Each plan has the same four components: #1: Take Practice Tests Beyond the default diagnostic test, you will need to continue taking practice tests as you study for AP Biology.This is a way to check your progress and get familiar with the format of the test so that you aren’t caught off-guard on exam day. #2: Analyze Mistakes on Practice Tests This is a critical component of AP Biology studying.After you take a practice test, you should sit down and go through your mistakes to see which content areas gave you the most trouble.This will help you to avoid studying irrelevant things or neglecting areas where your knowledge is weaker. #3: Study Weak Content Areas Based on the information you learn from analyzing your mistakes, you can focus on the content areas that need the most work.Your goal is to patch up all the holes before you take another practice test. #4: Revise Test-Taking Strategies This is another step you need to take after analyzing your mistakes.If you made mistakes due to time pressure or careless errors, you should think about changing your test-taking strategies to avoid this in the future.Try not to linger for more than a minute on difficult questions.Underline the most important parts of each question so that you don’t make careless mistakes! Here are the two plans broken down into their different components, with some rough guidelines for how much time you should spend on each step: 10 Hour Study Plan Analyze your mistakes on the diagnostic test: 1.5 hours Study relevant content areas and revise test-taking strategies: 2 hours Take and score another practice test: 4 hours Analyze your mistakes on the second practice test: 1.5 hours Final study session: 1 hour 20 Hour Study Plan Analyze your mistakes on the diagnostic test: 1.5 hours Study relevant content areas and revise test-taking strategies: 3 hours Take and score another practice test: 4 hours Analyze your mistakes on the second practice test: 1.5 hours Study content areas that are still giving you trouble and revise test-taking strategies again: 3 hours Take and score a third practice test: 4 hours Analyze your mistakes: 1.5 hours Final study session: 1.5 hours When I do crossword puzzles, I sometimes grade myself, so they're similar to AP practice tests except with no reward beyond the satisfaction of knowing arcane information that is usually completely irrelevant to my life. Fun fact: the apostrophe in Hawaiian words is called an okina. 4AP Biology Study Strategies AP Biology is a tough class that covers tons of complex information.If you want to use this guide to prepare effectively for the AP test and other tests throughout the year, you’ll need to use study strategies that complement the material.Here are a few of my recommendations: #1: When in Doubt, Draw It Out If you’re feeling shaky on your knowledge of a process or system in AP Biology, one helpful strategy is to draw it.This will both reinforce what you know and highlight what you still need to work on learning.Once you’re able to draw an accurate diagram of a system or process without looking at your notes, you can feel confident that you know how it works. For example, you could challenge yourself to draw a diagram of a cell membrane, label its different components, and explain their significance. You could also draw a process like mitosis that happens in clear visual stages or a more complex process like cellular respiration, where you might focus on one aspect at a time (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain).This advice ties into the next strategy on this list. If you can draw a diagram, you haven’t just memorized facts, you’ve connected them to their place within a larger context. #2: Don’t Just Memorize - Make Connections Since the recent redesign of the AP Biology exam, the focus of the questions has beenasking students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of complex biological concepts.Memorization is still important for the test, but it won’t get you a good score if you do it in isolation.Each term or concept in AP Biology is connected to a larger theme, and it’s your job to understand those connections and their implications.This will enable you to answer questions on the test that ask you to analyze hypothetical scenarios based on your biology knowledge. So, if you're studying DNA structure and replication, you shouldn't just memorize the names of the nucleotides and the enzymes that aid in DNA replication. These things are important, and you should know them, but you need to go beyond this type of knowledge. How does DNA go from just a chain of molecules inside a cell to the foundation of every organism's individuality? How does it relate to reproduction and gene expression? How is it translated into the formation of other systems in the body? Each fact that you memorize should lead you to ask yourself questions like this to ground your understanding. Biology is not a collection of random tidbits of information but a web of interrelated concepts. The clearer this becomes to you, the better! #3: Know Lab Procedures Labs make up a significant portion of the AP Biology course, and the test reflects this fact.You should review all of your labs, and make sure that you understand their outcomes and methodologies.It’s especially important that you familiarize yourself with the fundamental building blocks of a good experiment.There are often questions on the test that ask about different experimental variables or require you to predict the outcome of an experiment.The more familiar you are with your labs, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to answer these questions easily based on your memory of similar experiments in class. #4: Use Practice Tests Strategically This tip is evident in my study plans in the previous section, but it’s worth mentioning again.You shouldn’t just study the material and expect to do well, especially on a test like AP Biology that requires a significant amount of analysis in its questions.You can use practice tests to judge which content areas need the most work and whether you need to revamp your test-taking strategies.Practice tests can be found in review books or online.Just make sure you use tests that are for the new version of the exam (69 questions in the multiple choice section, not 100!). If you take enough practice tests, you'll be able to see exactly where you're going wrong and how you can fix your mistakes. The same thing happens if you play enough chess games. The main thing you need to know about chess is that the horsey moves in the shape of a fancy couch. AP Biology Content In this section, I'll include notes on each topic area in AP Biology followed by a list of videos that cover these topics as well. Most students should probably start with the notes to gather a solid foundation of knowledge. If you're reading the notes and you feel like you're going to fall asleep, try switching to a video explanation instead. The notes are more in-depth than the videos, so you should probably read them all at some point, but you can alternate between the different formats depending on how you feel and which learning style works best for you. You can even take notes to reinforce the informationas you watch the videos or print out the notes and use them as a guide when watching a video explanation. Don't feel pressured to commit to one type of resource over the other - switching it up every once in a while will keep things from getting boring. Notes and Outlines Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life Natural selection Hardy-Weinberg Biodiversity Vertebrates Invertebrates Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Protists Fungi Plant evolution Animal evolution Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis Molecular biology Water Carbon/molecular diversity of life Macromolecules Homeostasis Photosynthesis Cellular respiration Glycolysis Krebs cycle Electron transport chain Anaerobic respiration Metabolism Cell structure Prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes Eukaryotic cell structure Cell membrane properties Active transport Passive transport Phospholipid bilayer Immune response Big Idea 3: Living systems store, receive, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes Genes DNA structure and replication Mendel and the laws of inheritance Cell cycle Mitosis Meiosis Cancerous cells Cell communication Viruses Endocrine system Nervous system Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties How Plants Work Plant Structure Transport in Vascular Plants Plant Nutrition Circulatory system and respiratory system Digestive system Excretory system Muscular and skeletal systems Ecology Behavioral Population Community Ah plants. They're like animals, but they eat the sun! Alive. Videos Bozeman Science This YouTube channel has a whole playlist of â€Å"AP Biology Video Essentials.†Topics of Special Interest: The New AP Biology Exam: A User’s Guide Photosynthesis and Respiration Transport Across Cell Membranes Cellular Organelles Mendelian Genetics DNA and RNA Nervous System Amoeba Sisters This is a YouTube channel with a bunch of cute videos that explain biological concepts simply and with a touch of humor. Topics of Special Interest (there are more if you check out the full playlist): Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis DNA Replication and Structure Protein Synthesis Osmosis Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Bacteria Plant Structure Inheritance Viruses Food Webs and Energy Exchange Systems of the Human Body Crash Course Full Biology Playlist (includes a couple of extra videos that aren’t on this list of main topics if you’re interested!) Topics of Special Interest: Heredity Natural Selection Population Genetics Species Classification (Taxonomy) Cellular Respiration Structure and function of animal cells and plant cells Cell Membranes and Transport Biological Molecules Photosynthesis DNA Structure and Replication Mitosis and Meiosis Plant Reproduction Ecology The Body’s Systems: Nervous System Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Digestive System Excretory System Skeletal System Muscular System Immune System Endocrine System Reproductive System Khan Academy There’s a long playlist of Biology videos on Khan Academy’s channel.These go more in-depth into various aspects of different biological concepts and are longer than the videos from the other channels.They’re a bit of a commitment, but they can help you become even more of a biology expert. At the original Khan Academy, everyone had to take Pillaging 101 as a prerequisite unless they got really high scores on the SAT (Scourge Aptitude Test). AP Biology Labs This section includes all the information you need to know about AP Biology labs. The documents I've referenced for each lab are the official College Board descriptions. They're pretty extensive, but you don't have to read every word; I'd recommend skipping to the second section of each document where the headings become red instead of blue (the blue section is more for teachers than students). Pay attention to the questions that are asked in the documents as each step of the lab process is completed. Contemplating and understanding the answers to these questions will help you to get a better handle on the purpose of the lab. At the very least, you should review the Background and Procedure for each lab to refresh your memory of what you did and why. Notes and Outlines There are thirteen labs included in the AP Biology curriculum.Here’s a link to a page that briefly goes through all of the labs you’ll do in a standard AP Biology class.These are categorized by â€Å"Big Idea†to match the structure of the course's content. Labs for Big Idea 1 1. Artificial selection2. Mathematical modeling (Hardy-Weinberg)3. Comparing DNA Sequences to Understand Evolutionary Relationships Labs for Big Idea 2 4. Diffusion and Osmosis5. Photosynthesis6. Cellular Respiration Labs for Big Idea 3 7. Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis8. Biotechnology: Bacterial Transformation9. Biotechnology: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA Labs for Big Idea 4 10. Energy Dynamics11. Transpiration12. Fruit Fly Behavior13. Enzyme Activity Make sure you go through the actual lab work you did in class as well. Reports and data based on your own experiences are the most valuable resources for this aspect of the curriculum. Videos Bozeman Science Labs 1 through 7 Labs 8 through 13 Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find many videos going through the AP Biology labs because the current labs are relatively new, and most videos deal with the pre-2012 lab structure. Some types of labs are cuter than others. Study Resources to Test Your Knowledge In this section are some of the best resources you can use during your AP Biology prep. Quizlet This site has many different user-created sets of terms that you can use to review for the AP test or any other in-class tests.Check out thisUltimate AP Biology Vocabulary Review; there are over 1,000 terms to help you review what you’ve learned.You can study them in flashcard form and then quiz yourself all in one place!Quizlet also has tons of other AP Biology study sets that will help you review all the details you need to know for different units.You can sign up for free. Learnerator There are some good practice questionshere that cover the main concepts within each big idea of the AP Biology curriculum.I like that they include many questions about lab procedures to ensure that you don’t lose out on the lab aspect of biology studying.If you go through all the questions, the site will tell you whether you’re prepared for the test based on how many you answer correctly in each section.You should take this with a grain of salt, but it is helpful as a way to see exactly which concepts are giving you the most trouble. Clear Biology This site has a few different practice resources.Here’s a worksheet for grid-in questions as well as detailed instructions for answering these types of questions. And here are some tips for answering free response questions. Varsity Tutors There are tons of mini practice quizzes on this site for all the AP Biology topics, andthey’re rated by difficulty level, so you’ll know whether you really have a topic down. Diagnostic tests are also available for a more holistic look at your strengths and weaknesses. Barron’s You can take a free practice test on the Barron’s website without purchasing the review book.Choose between timed and un-timed versions: Wow, those were some XTREMEly awesome study tools! I don't know why I'm trying to relate to AP Biology students with a vague sports reference. But I'm sure some of you do the sports ball playing. Conclusion With the tips and tools in this AP Biology study guide, you should be able to formulate a comprehensive approach to studying. You can use these resources throughout the year as you build up your knowledge, or you can use them just in the month(s) before the AP test, depending on how you learn best. Here's a little review of everything I've covered. Your study plan should consist of: Taking practice tests Analyzing mistakes Studying weak content areas Revising test-taking strategies Some study tips to remember are: Draw out systems and processes so you can understand them better Don't just memorize facts, make connections to larger themes Make sure you're familiar with your labs and the principles of experimental design Take practice tests frequently You can use notes from your class as well as the notes in this guide as anchors for your studying. If you learn better by watching videos, you should definitely check out the video explanations of different concepts that I've listed above. And once again, don't forget to go over your labs!This is a tough subject, and there's a lot to remember, but if you give yourself enough time to absorb it all and are conscious of where you need the most improvement, you can master the skills you need to be successful in your class and on the test. What's Next? If you're taking AP Biology, you probably have big plans for higher education. Find out how many AP classes you should take in high school if you're looking at highly selective colleges. What does a high score on an AP test get you? Learn more about how AP credit works at colleges. Do you need to take a couple of SAT Subject Tests to submit with your college applications? Read this article for an explanation of the differences between AP tests and SAT Subject Tests and an overview of the challenges presented by each. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on The Second Coming Vs. Things Fall Apart
In 1919 William Butler Yeats published a poem called â€Å"The Second Coming.†Forty Years later, Chinua Achebe took the third line from that poem for the title of his book Things Fall Apart. Both pieces of literature deal with the beginning and the end of a civilization. Both show that change is inevitable and the nature of change can be chaotic and destructive. Yeats' poem "The Second Coming," depicts the approach of a new world order and demonstrates the concept that change is inevitable. â€Å"The Second Coming†also taps into the concept of the gyre. The gyre is the idea that history occurs in cycles, specifically cycles "twenty centuries" in length (ln. 19). In this poem, Yeats predicts that the Christian era will soon give way apocalyptically to an era ruled by a desert beast with a â€Å"lion body and the head of a man†(ln. 14). Yeats describes the beast's eyes as "pitiless as the sun" (ln. 15), and it is followed not by the falcon, but by "shadows of desert birds," which are probably vultures. And no self-respecting vulture would soar around a titanic beast simply because of its symbolic significance; vultures go where there is food. This beast is not only pitiless, but it leaves carnage behind, which leaves the reader to believe that this beast is not very friendly at all. Yeats felt that because of World War 1, Eur ope was left in complete chaos, and total anarchy was released upon the world. Yeats is trying to tell the reader that the society that was left in the wake of the war is already beginning to fall apart, and The Second Coming will occur. The Second Coming refers to the promised return of Christ on Doomsday; however, Doomsday is instead marked by the appearance of the terrifying beast. Things Fall Apart was published in 1958 during the Nigerian renaissance, and it’s theme also deals with the notion that change is unavoidable. It is the story of an Ibo village of the late 1800's and one of its great men, Okonkwo... Free Essays on The Second Coming Vs. Things Fall Apart Free Essays on The Second Coming Vs. Things Fall Apart In 1919 William Butler Yeats published a poem called â€Å"The Second Coming.†Forty Years later, Chinua Achebe took the third line from that poem for the title of his book Things Fall Apart. Both pieces of literature deal with the beginning and the end of a civilization. Both show that change is inevitable and the nature of change can be chaotic and destructive. Yeats' poem "The Second Coming," depicts the approach of a new world order and demonstrates the concept that change is inevitable. â€Å"The Second Coming†also taps into the concept of the gyre. The gyre is the idea that history occurs in cycles, specifically cycles "twenty centuries" in length (ln. 19). In this poem, Yeats predicts that the Christian era will soon give way apocalyptically to an era ruled by a desert beast with a â€Å"lion body and the head of a man†(ln. 14). Yeats describes the beast's eyes as "pitiless as the sun" (ln. 15), and it is followed not by the falcon, but by "shadows of desert birds," which are probably vultures. And no self-respecting vulture would soar around a titanic beast simply because of its symbolic significance; vultures go where there is food. This beast is not only pitiless, but it leaves carnage behind, which leaves the reader to believe that this beast is not very friendly at all. Yeats felt that because of World War 1, Eur ope was left in complete chaos, and total anarchy was released upon the world. Yeats is trying to tell the reader that the society that was left in the wake of the war is already beginning to fall apart, and The Second Coming will occur. The Second Coming refers to the promised return of Christ on Doomsday; however, Doomsday is instead marked by the appearance of the terrifying beast. Things Fall Apart was published in 1958 during the Nigerian renaissance, and it’s theme also deals with the notion that change is unavoidable. It is the story of an Ibo village of the late 1800's and one of its great men, Okonkwo...
Monday, November 4, 2019
When and why did the Sinatra Doctrine replace the Brezhnev Doctrine in Essay
When and why did the Sinatra Doctrine replace the Brezhnev Doctrine in Soviet policy towards East-Central Europe - Essay Example The name of the document many have come up as a joke but its implication on the nations of Eastern Europe was not a joke. This doctrine had widespread effect on these nations and allowed them to control their own internal affairs. This was not possible under the Brezhnev doctrine which was being followed earlier by the Soviet Nation. Before the new doctrine came up; Soviet Nation exerted tight control over the internal affairs of the nations which came into the purview of Warsaw Pact. Brezhnev doctrine was used as a justification by Soviet Nation to justify the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and also that of Afghanistan in 1979. The main reasons which have been cited for this shift in Soviet policy have been the huge economic problems which were being faced by the Soviet Nation; the rising anti-communist and the anti- Russian feelings which were coming up in these nations and the disastrous effects of the Afghanistan war on the economy of Soviet nation. All these reasons made it almost impractical for Soviet Union to exert its forced will on all the neighbouring countries. This doctrine had far reaching consequences on the neighbourhood of Soviet Nation. The entire Soviet block was transformed as a result of this policy. The most dramatic and visible effect has been the destruction of the Berlin Wall in Germany. East Germany government was no longer receiving the support of Soviet Union and this policy made it clear that the country will not affair in the internal affairs of these countries. This led to the ouster of communist governments in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria. The communist party in Romania also suffered the same fate. This policy in fact signalled the end of cold war and Europe was no longer divided after this policy was announced. This paper aims to study the reasons for replacement of Brezhnev doctrine by the new Sinatra doctrine. The reasons for this dramatic shift in the policy of Soviet Union have been discussed and debated in this paper in the coming sections. Brezhnev Doctrine The Brezhnev Doctrine as a foreign policy for Soviet Union was first defined and clearly established in 1968. (Kovalev, 1968).It was defined as a necessity by Soviet Union in times when forces which are hostile to socialism try to convert a socialist country into a capitalist one. This was considered by Soviet Union not as a problem of the concerned country but a problem which was common to all the socialist countries and effort should be made by all socialist countries to prevent such forces which are disruptive to socialism from gaining power in any country. (Brezhnev, 1968) This doctrine was felt necessary to be defined by Soviet Union in order to justify the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 and also to justify various other soviet military interventions like the invasion of Hungary which took place in 1956.Before this policy was defined; these invasions were considered as inappropriate and improper. Soviet Union was
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Artificial lung Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Artificial lung - Research Paper Example The respiratory system is a complex yet beautiful system to behold. The breathing that the body does cannot take place without the respiratory system. This system consists of the nose, throat, voice box, wind pipe and the lungs. â€Å"We live because we breathe. Inhaled breath brings life sustaining oxygen into our body. Oxygen is the fuel that makes our body function. Every minute we breathe in about 13 pints of air. Our lungs are essentially 2500 km of airways, through which oxygen is delivered to all parts of the body from the lungs, and carbon dioxide exhaled from the lungs is sent out into the atmosphere†(Colon, San Miguel and Zayas, 2004). â€Å"With this in mind, the scientists have developed devices that can help or replace the natural lung. These devices help our respiratory system during an operation or afterwards, but can only be used for a recuperation time†(Colon, San Miguel and Zayas, 2004). â€Å"People who need a lung-transplant can only wait and hope that a donor organ will materialize in time. But all too often, time runs out. In response to the United States' critical shortage of donor organs, researchers have been racing to develop artificial organs that would serve as a "bridge" to transplantation. One such device is the Bio Lung, which may be tested in people soon†(Downs, 2011). This device is called, the artificial lung. The only purpose of the artificial lung is to make sure that the blood has oxygen. This device is not the same as the heart-lung machine, because this one is placed inside the body and it is supposed to replace the work of the natural lungs for a long duration of time. In contrast, the heart-lung machine is outside the body and it is used for short periods, only when needed. According to Marcus (2008), â€Å"Early artificial-breathing devices include the tank respirator, or "iron lung," introduced in the late 1920s and known for its role in treating polio victims. Current treatment for lung failur e is to hook patients up to an artificial respirator. It is costly, immobile and requires intubation, a process that can cause infection, says John Conte, a heart-and-lung transplant surgeon and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. ‘You don't want to take a patient who's been flat on his back, with poor muscles and infection at the IV site, and do a transplant. That's a recipe for disaster.’ Artificial lungs are small and portable, however, and are designed to allow patients to remain mobile and therefore stronger for surgery.†How the Artificial Lung Works With lungs that are healthy, the vessels that carry blood take in the oxygen that has been pumped from the heart, and after that, they let go of carbon dioxide by breathing out. â€Å"The idea was to develop a new way to study the lung that would be useful in drug development and might serve as a replacement for animal studies. The device, about the size of a pea, mimics the func tion of air sacs called alveoli, which transfer oxygen through a thin membrane from the lung to the blood. The device has three parts -- lung cells, a permeable membrane and tiny blood vessel or capillary cells†(Steenhuysen, 2010). According to Downs (2011), â€Å"The system now used in hospitals is known as ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. ECMO machines take over the
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